photograph by Ann Arbor

photograph by Ann Arbor

Christian Barter is a poet living and working in Bar Harbor, Maine.  His first book The Singers I Prefer was a Lenore Marshall Prize finalist; his second, In Someone Else's House, was the winner of the 2014 Maine Literary Award for Poetry; Bye-bye Land, a book-length poem, was published by BOA Editions in early 2017 as the winner of the Isabella Gardner Prize.  HIs poetry has appeared in Ploughshares, Georgia Review, The American Scholar, Epoch and other magazines and has been featured on Poetry Daily, Verse Daily and The Writer's Almanac.  Christian has held the Hodder Fellowship from Princeton University and been a fellow at Yaddo and the MacDowell Colony.  His primary occupation is working on a trail crew, planning and overseeing construction and rehabilitation of hiking trails on Mount Desert Island.  He recently served as Poet Laureate of Acadia National Park.


home page image: "Trees of the Dunes," woodblock print by Dan Miller